Thursday, January 23, 2020

Smile :)

¡Hola todos!

We did a lot of crazy things this week. We went to Pacaya again to help the Elders and the Hermanas up there on divisions. We also went to the capital again to learn from the mission president and the other leaders of the mission. We also went to the capital again to pick up my mission replacement debit card that I´ve been waiting for for about 2 months. And we also went to Amatitlan to learn from the church leaders here. We went everywhere this week! 

We had an awesome conference with the mission in the capital. We got a lot of motivation to be more focused on the work here. We´re literally here to change people´s lives. We´ve chosen to serve for 2 years, and so we might as well put our all in to it. Being lazy isn´t worth it, and so my companion and I have been working on helping everyone and sharing the gospel with as many people as we can. We found some random people moving into a new house, and helped them out. We also helped cut firewood and carry bricks. People usually let us help them if we don´t ask permission first ;). 

The missionaries in the zone are awesome. They all act like they´ve been doing this forever, and it honestly doesn´t feel like they´re new anymore. It´s super great, and makes me really excited to see them grow in the next couple months.

I feel like the time is passing faster and faster here in Guatemala. I really don´t know what´s happening a lot of the time, I just know that I´m working hard to help everyone to be happy, and it makes me happy too. I don´t always know the best way to do things, but one thing I do know is that God lives, and He loves us. That means that it´s okay if we aren´t the best at everything, and it´s okay if we mess up sometimes. But it also means that we´re going somewhere, and we need to walk forward, not backward. It´s all about everyone else, and not about us. If we´re helping them to be happier and feel better about themselves, we´ll be happier too. I hope you all have an awesome week, and hope you can give a smile to someone who needs one.

Love you guys!
-Elder Cloward

Happy picture!

A "foto chapina." In this country when people take pictures, they just make a straight face and it looks like they´re a statue. Hermana Beyeler and I aren´t very good at it...

Funny picture...

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