Wednesday, January 15, 2020


¡Hola todos!

I am now in the same area as before...but with a new companion! I´m with Elder Rosas now, and he is super awesome. He´s from Mexico city, and he´s tall and super funny. He loves to play sports, joke around, and help people to be happy. I´ve only been with him for one day, and I´ve already had a great time. He hasn´t been a zone leader before so I´m "training" him, in a way. 

It´s been a crazy week. Elder Payan got the news that he is being sent to Sipacate, which is right on the beach in the southern coast of the country. It´s one of the hottest, hardest areas in the entire mission. It´s in the Siquinalá zone, and you might remember me talking about visiting there sometimes to cut down bushes with machetes and eat coconuts and stuffs. It´s a really cool place, but Elder Payan wasn´t too excited to go. We spent the week going around and saying goodbye to the people here, which was hard for him too. But he´s going to have an awesome time...just has to get used to the heat. 

Elder Payan is really, really good at cooking. One day, an Hermana invited him to cook, but he was going to be with the Elders in Pacaya, so it was my turn to cook! I made spaghetti the way my mom always does with the Hermanas from Palin 3 and Elder Delange, and it was super tasty!! We had a lot of fun making it with the limited materials that the Hermana had, but it was also really fun to eat :).

This change, EVERYONE in the zone is training. Every single companionship has a new missionary except mine, and I´m training Elder Rosas to be a zone leader. But the new missionaries are amazing, and they´re all super ready to work and be awesome. It´s exciting. New missionaries are great because they´re just thinking all about the real reason we´re here, to help people to come unto Christ. They always teach me a ton. I´ll send a picture of the zone new week if I can. Right now I have to run because we have a meeting with the stake president and the mission president to help the work move forward. 

Love you guys!
-Elder Cloward

Us and the spaghetti :)

Elder Rosas (on the right) and I (the white guy) with Tony, who just barely got set apart to be a missionary, going to Peru! He´s super cool. 

My family sent me some kazoos in a package, and so we decided to put them to use. Hahaha

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