Thursday, November 14, 2019


¡Hola todos!

This week was awesome. We had some really fun experiences and tried some really weird things. But all in all, only three missionaries ended up sick in bed for more than 12 hours...oof...

So this week we did divisions with the missionaries in San Vicente Pacaya. They literally live in the skirts of a volcano, and so the pueblo is in the middle of super green mountains and valleys, and it's all different in elevation, and there's this super sweet breeze blowing through all the time. It's probably the most beautiful place I've seen in my entire life. Anytime you don't know where you are, you just have to look to find the smoke leaving from the top of the volcano, and you know which way is which. It was really cool to be there, and we also found some really cool people for the missionaries there to teach. It was on the "Día de los Muertos," and so my companion and a couple missionaries just walked on the path to the cemetery, talking to everyone who was going to celebrate the lives of their ancestors, and explaining to them that they'll be able to see those people again. The day we left, the four missionaries had an adventure that they are currently regretting...

They found a place that sells rabbits, and so they bought a couple, and went to a church member's house to kill and cook them to eat. That's not that weird here, but I don't think they cooked them very well, because three of the four just happened to get a "stomach bug" at the same time the day after. It was pretty rough, because all of them had to be inside the whole day...but they're all almost better now. 

Some sad news from this week is that we lost 5 missionaries in the zone. four of them got moved to the Amatitlan zone, just because it's closer. They are all super good missionaries and super funny, so it's sad that they had to leave the zone. The fifth one went to the New Mexico in the United States, because her mission is actually over there, and she has just been here waiting for her visa. She was a really good missionary, and even though she only has 2 months in the mission, she acts like she's been here all her life. Now she just has to go learn English. But I know from experience that God helps his missionaries to learn languages that they couldn't speak before. It's a miracle...

The second of November here is a special holiday where everyone eats this special dish called fiambre. It's basically a salad where they mix together just about every type of vegetable with just about every type of meat, and then they eat it. It's kinda not good. The night that we ate that, we were on our second dinner, so it was a tricky experience. I found a picture that's pretty similar to what we ate. I'm a little happy that they only do that once a year. Most of the food here is suuuper good, but that one is a little different.

We're having an awesome time out here. We're really working to find people that want to be disciples of Christ, and learning a ton along the way. Next week I'm gonna have a really awesome story to share :).

Love you guys!
-Elder Cloward
Elder Jeria, one of the missionaries that left the zone. He´s one of the funniest people I've ever met. In the back is Elder Cascante, his companion. He learned English just by watching movies, and he speaks it really well! Crazy...

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