Friday, December 20, 2019

Freezing cold, burning heat, and sandstorms

¡Hola todos!

We have been busy working and working and working. This week we finally got to do a lot in our own area, and it´s been nice to just go to work here. We found some really awesome people, and we´ve done a ton of family home evenings with the families in our area to teach about the birth of Christ. It´s really awesome. 

Yesterday we had an interesting experience. For some reason the whole day was insanely windy. There was SO much wind that the dirt all picked up and blew into our eyes. We had to walk with something in front of our eyes to not get blinded by the dirt. Sometimes the wind was so strong that it almost pushed us backwards when we tried to walk forwards. Because of all the wind, it got super, super cold. It really felt like Christmas. And the wind blew strong all night, and so the water tank on the roof got super cold too. We got to take the coldest shower yet today haha. 

Today as a zone we all went to the auto safari chapin. It´s a safari where we bring the vehicle, and it´s pretty cool. I have been before, but almost nobody else in the zone had so it was fun to be able to show them. We went to a really nice mall to eat lunch afterwards, and some really nice members of the church in Esquintla bought lunch for my companion and I!

Recently, the dad of one of our friends was killed. We went to the funeral and gave him lots of support. He said he really didn´t know how to explain what he was feeling, and he didn´t know what to do. We told him that we didn´t know how he felt, but there´s someone who did. Christ suffered everything that he was going through, and so He knows exactly how to help. I know that that´s true. Jesus didn´t just suffer for our sins, but also for our sorrows and our problems too. And if we feel like nobody understands, we can turn to Him and He will. And He´ll help us to feel peace again. I have felt that power in my life tons of times, and so I know that it´s real. And not only do we find peace in Him, but we can find peace in knowing that death is not the end. Everyone lives after death, and we will have the opportunity to reunite with them someday. I know that that is true.

Love you guys!
-Elder Cloward

Elder Garner and I as monkeys...

The best Ukulele ever. It´s only 800 Quetz. Maybe I´ll go back and buy it someday...

I found Bishop Morales in Escuintla! I haven´t seen him in a long time, but we ran into each other and it was super awesome. He´s a super great dude, and taught me a lot back in Siquinalá.

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