Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Method to the Madness

Hi everyone! I am writing this about two hours before I leave for the airport, so I don't have too much time before I have to finish last minute packing and stuff. I will write emails every week, but it's easier for me to have this blog that the emails are uploaded to so that I can just send them to some family members and have them upload what I write so that everyone can see. Hopefully my dad can update it consistently, but know that I'm still alive if the blog isn't edited perfectly weekly.

I decided to name the blog "Make Their Eyes Shine," after a quote I heard in high school. This simple phrase means the world to me. I really believe that the eyes are the window to the soul, and you can see true happiness in the countenances of others. Making people light up with joy and excitement is more important to me than almost anything else in life. The idea that I can go to another country and work my hardest to bring happiness to the people there is so exciting to me, and I want to always remember that this is what it's about; bringing eternal happiness to as many people and families as I can.

Over the course of my mission I'll send pictures, stories, and updates about the things I'm doing. I'm not sure how much time I'll get to write every week, but I'll definitely have enough time to say some interesting things about the people I'm teaching, or how I'm failing at Spanish, or maybe how I get mugged by criminals. Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy keeping up with the things that are going on in the next two years of my life. Feel free to email me if there are things you're wondering about with the church or my mission, and I'll do the best that I can to get back to you. You can reach me at icloward@myldsmail.net. Thank you!


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